PB High Rise Opposition Update

Hello Supporters of Responsible Planning in San Diego,

Thank you to all who are signing in support of our efforts to bring sanity back to planning in San Diego. Here is an update:  

  • We have formed a board of individuals with expertise and commitment to our cause. 

  • The board has met several times and are in the process of approving by-laws and mission statements.

  • The law firm of Chatten-Brown has been engaged and is putting our arguments into a formal letter of opposition to this structure to be distributed to city, county and state officials.

  • We are establishing a process for online donations. In the meantime, please send donation checks to: San Diegans For Responsible Planning. 9855 Black Mountain Road, SD, CA 92126. Thank you to all who have already donated.

  • We are also in the process of creating a 501c4 Political Action Committee with the expectation that the long-term solution is to get an initiative passed that restores local zoning control. 

What you need to do now:

  1. Contact dozens of your friends and neighbors and have them sign on to our efforts at sdforresponsibleplanning.org

  2. If you haven't donated, please do by sending a check. If you have donated thank you and please consider donating again. We will need to have the resources to respond quickly legally if this project isn't stopped soon.

Please be aware that multiple elected officials have already heard our opposition and they are lining up to say they also "are concerned".  Unfortunately, "concern" will not stop this project. We need to convince them to take actions to stop this project and restore the 30' height limit, reinstate responsible planning principles, and restore local control over zoning. 

Please send your comments to:

Mayor Todd Gloria



The People of Point Loma Will Stand with Us, and We with Them

