October 9, 2024 Rally and Press Conference Comments by Scott Chipman

Welcome and thanks to all who have come. I am Scott Chipman, 50 year resident of PB. I am a core member of SAVEPB, savepb.org. I am also a Planning Group member. I am not representing the planning group but being a member has exposed me to virtually all the zoning changes that are abusing our neighborhoods and negatively impacting quality of life. With us are representatives of groups and individuals from multiple communities.

We, beach community members, have been remiss in not supporting the efforts of Neighbors for a Better San Diego and others who sounded alarms about zoning abuses a while ago. The rules related to density bonus, “complete” communities, height limit violations, no parking projects and others must be changed.

We are seeing excessively tall structures being built next to bungalow houses in many communities and if rules don’t change soon likely in all communities

ADUs are being built without setbacks, too tall, larger than the original structures, with multiple units on a lot without parking. Many are larger than the original structures and so are not really “auxiliary” are they.

Project after project is approved by the city with minimal or even no parking as if the occupants will not own cars. This is unrealistic thinking and negligent planning. Many SD neighborhoods have older small lots with small garages. Most apartment buildings appear to rent the apartments separate from the garages putting virtually all resident cars on the streets. Our streets are already over parked. Projects with additional cars mean owners must circle the blocks hoping to find a space sometimes blocks away from their residence.

This new 50’ tall project not only violates the 30’ coastal height limit but will have over 60 residents and only 9 parking spaces. Cars above 9 and visitors will be parking several blocks away in the neighborhoods. Where is the parking analysis to support this project? This project will be a few hundred yards from the 2nd busiest intersection in all of SD. Mission Bay Drive and Garnet. Deliveries and arrivals to this property will likely block traffic which already backs up all the way to Clairemont Drive at times of the day.

And the 238’ high rise? 7 stories of parking, which will not be enough, 9 stories of hotel and 9 stories of residential with penthouses. This is completely out of character for any community other than downtown. This would be the Miamitization of PB. This building is what 63% of San Diego and 80% of coastal voters were fighting in 1972 with the Prop D height limit.

In 1991 Pacific Beach was downzoned. The general proximity to the beach and bay put Pacific Beach and nearby areas at risk of being overbuilt with commercial development and high-rise apartment buildings. The downzoning was done by the city to protect the area's small-town feel and casual atmosphere. The small-town feel and casual atmosphere is what attracts people from all over the county and beyond to Pacific Beach. Now the pendulum has swung and it’s out of control.  

This is not just a coastal issue. If this building is approved then every strip mall in every neighborhood could be bought up and replaced with a 200, 300 or taller building. The Morena Blvd corridor will become a wall of high rises outside the coastal zone with views of Mission Bay and the ocean beyond. Our neighbors in Bay Ho, Bay Park, West Clairemont and Tecolote will have their breezes and sunsets blocked and will be looking at the backside of a wall of highrises.

Now we can blame the “evil” developers for these abuses but that blame is misplaced. Our local and state representatives have not understood the consequences of the policies they have promoted. Their policies have opened the door and emboldened developers to propose this insanity. And, seeing what has been happening, they have not started the actions necessary to reverse and modify their policies and bring sanity back to the zoning and approval processes.

We are like the proverbial frog in a pot with the irresponsible zoning heat increasing. Are we going to stay in the pot until our communities are cooked or are we going to jump out and fight? It is up to each of us and our friends and neighbors.

Now, this is the beginning of a fight to bring back local control of our zoning. If you haven’t signed giving us your contact information please do so in the back. We need every resident of San Diego to unite as one to have the force to fight for our quality of life. Not to stop development, but to demand sensible, rational development. Development that is responsible that will enhance and not negatively impact our neighborhoods.




This 23-story high-rise development may be coming to Pacific Beach


Proposed 23-story high-rise in Pacific Beach would tower over community